Today we want to get started on these 18 day journey by looking at three areas that will be helpful in our reflections.
1st -Who wrote James?
The author of the book of James identifies himself as James a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many people ask questions regarding this name because in the New Testament several people share the same name. This makes it difficult to identify the actual person who wrote the book. We will look at a few of them to differentiate from the one believed to have written this book.
1. James the Son of Zebedee. He was called by Jesus together with his brother John to become His disciples while sitting on a boat preparing their nets for fishing. Mark 1:20, Mt 4:21-22. He was always caught at the center of events together with his brother John and also Simon (peter).E.g. At the transfiguration; Mt 17:1-2,Mark 9:2 and Luke 9:28-29. When Jairus daughter was raised; Mk5:37, Luke 8:51. On the Mt of Olives; Mk13:3 and at the Garden of Gethsemane; Mt 26:37, Mk 14:33. Scholars do not associate him with the writing of the book of James because he may have died way much earlier during the persecution of the early Church; Acts12:2 “He (King Herod) had James, the brother of John put to death with the sword”.
2. James the son of Alphaeus. He was one of the twelve disciples Mt 10:3, Mk3:18, Lk 6:15, Acts 1:13. He also is believed not to have written this book.
3. James the brother of Jesus; Mt 13:55 & Mk 6:3. He is believed to be the author of the book of James following his exemplary work and leadership in the Church of Jerusalem Acts 12:17, 21:18. Paul in Gal 2:9 refers to James peter and John as the pillars of the Church in Jerusalem that time. James was not a believer during Jesus ministry on earth and neither he nor his brothers accepted or recognized Jesus’ authority in His earthly life and ministry; John7:5. He was not one of the twelve apostles but he was later regarded as an apostle in Gal 1:19. In several instances his name was mentioned first then the brothers or the elders showing that he was in the position of leadership.
Why do we have to think about authorship? Ok, in our previous studies especially Philippians, my colleague helped us look at the various ways that we can gain skills to do personal bible devotions. It’s always necessary to use these tools for an in depth knowledge of the particular material or book that we are studying. Some of the questions that you need to ask yourself every time you begin to study a book are;
Who? Why? What? When? And How? By asking who? You are referring to the person who wrote that particular book. Why? Reasons it was written. When? When it was written and lastly How? Is the way you can apply what you are learning in your personal life.
2nd What was his theme?
James writes to emphasize on the importance of action or practical lifestyle along with faith in our walk with the Lord and in the practice of our Christian faith. Though he wrote to God’s people (Jews) who were scattered all over the world as a result of persecution and tribulation Ja1:1, the message is also for us today.
3rd What was the purpose?
He wrote to give them and us practical instructions dealing with issues of poverty, riches, trials and temptations, patience, prayer ,faith and works, pride, boasting quarreling and humility. These were to help them stand firm in the faith and live a life that would glorify God even in the midst of challenging times.
I will not highlight the questions when and how; reason being I want you to find out what the book of James was written as part of study exercise. The application of the book is everything we will continue to reflect on as James takes us through this 18 day Journey.
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