The most admired marriages do not exist just by chance; they flourish as a result of hard work to love and cherishing one another. On the other hand, the marriages that don’t last, experience fears of brutal violence, abuse, marital unfaithfulness and lack of respect between spouses.
Unfaithfulness is one of the major causes of broken marriages. It’s not a one time event but a continues craving that starts with a thought, then an action, which grows to a habit and eventually makes a character. The inner character of a person is more important than what is seen from the outside because what is inside will always manifest on the outside.
The story of Judah in Gen 38:1-26 tells how he compromised his integrity and fear for God by taking his son’s wife Tamar and sleeping with her. Though he was known to be a man who is godly and worth of respect, he could not overcome the lust of the fresh which led him to sin against God. There is no one who plans to fall into sin but hanging by the things that one knows for sure they will lead him/her to sin.
The early stages of marriage is always romantic, full of love and enjoyment, however this is not guaranteed to last a lifetime. During his preaching, Dr. Paul Wangai says “Romantic love doesn’t last; it lasts between 6months to 2 years”. ‘When this reality strikes, the emotions and principles must merge for marriage to be successful”.
Marriage is a covenant and an institution that must be cherished and respected. It’s a God idea and no one should joke around with it. Spouses must learn to respect one another avoiding arguments that ignite conflict. They must respect each other’s sexuality and commitment to fulfilling each other’s needs.
One must avoid tension building things such as imitations and abuses that are not godly and which can end up breaking marriage. We must live a life that is worthy of godly character in order to bring healing and joy into our marriages.
Thought for today:
Unfaithfulness is one of the major causes of broken marriages. It’s not a one time event but a continues craving that starts with a thought, then an action, which grows to a habit and eventually makes a character. The inner character of a person is more important than what is seen from the outside because what is inside will always manifest on the outside.
The story of Judah in Gen 38:1-26 tells how he compromised his integrity and fear for God by taking his son’s wife Tamar and sleeping with her. Though he was known to be a man who is godly and worth of respect, he could not overcome the lust of the fresh which led him to sin against God. There is no one who plans to fall into sin but hanging by the things that one knows for sure they will lead him/her to sin.
The early stages of marriage is always romantic, full of love and enjoyment, however this is not guaranteed to last a lifetime. During his preaching, Dr. Paul Wangai says “Romantic love doesn’t last; it lasts between 6months to 2 years”. ‘When this reality strikes, the emotions and principles must merge for marriage to be successful”.
Marriage is a covenant and an institution that must be cherished and respected. It’s a God idea and no one should joke around with it. Spouses must learn to respect one another avoiding arguments that ignite conflict. They must respect each other’s sexuality and commitment to fulfilling each other’s needs.
One must avoid tension building things such as imitations and abuses that are not godly and which can end up breaking marriage. We must live a life that is worthy of godly character in order to bring healing and joy into our marriages.
Thought for today:
Colossians 3:2
Set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth.-
The focus of our lives is very important.-
Our desire and longings must be for greater things.-
We pursue what our hearts long for.-
This calls for a decision - what will your focus be?
over the past few weeks iv found this daily devotions to be very useful to me,helping me in my consistence with reading the bible.was wondering why the break
ReplyDeleteAs we have been having this series on unfaithfulness there are four things that God has been challenging me about
ReplyDeleteJohn wrote how you can say you love God whom you cannot see while you hate your brother whom you can see? And in the same light how can you claim to be faithful to God while you are unfaithful to your spouse whom you can see? In Romans 13:10 we are told that love does no wrong to our neighbor, our spouses are our closest neighbors and they should be the first to say that we have done them no wrong. And this is not strange Proverbs 31:11-12 says of a good wife, the heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain, she does him good all the days of her life., (v28-29) and her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “many women have done excellently but you surpass them all”
Solomon wrote that when we make a vow to God we should not delay in paying it, for God has no pleasure in fools so pay what you vow for its better that you should not vow than vow and not pay. If you are not sure that you are going to be faithful then don’t make those vows in the first place (Ecc5:4). There is that guy who sacrificed his daughter after vowing to God that whatever comes out of his house first he will sacrifice to God and it happened to be his only daughter. This man did not turn back but went ahead, and sacrificed his own daughter even though it caused sorrow how much more we should be faithful to God and to our spouses considering that marriage is really supposed to be a good thing. God faithfulness endures to all generations, for all thousands of years since the beginning of the world God has remained faithful and all that He requires of us is that we be faithful to him, to our spouses and our commitments while we are here on earth, and how long could it be? 80, 100 or 150 years; comparing that to eternity, it’s a drop in the ocean after all a thousand years are like one day to God.
The book of acts 9:36 tells us the story of a woman called Tabitha (Dorcas), who died and they send for Peter who went to where they had laid her body; and after being shown the garments and coats she had made and he prayed for her and she was resurrected. If we died and there was a chance for us to be resurrected would our spouses want us alive, or our children? And if they can’t or have nothing to say because all they can remember is the unfaithfulness, mistreatment and physical harm how then would we expect God whose standards are higher to raise us up to eternal life? Which reminds me that it’s not until the sons of Jacob were being told of their inheritance that we discover that Reuben had defiled his father couch and that he was not going to excel his brothers even though he was the firstborn? Some of these things may remain hidden and we may think that we are getting away with them but in the end they will come out. And my hope is that they come out when we can do something about them, when we can repent for the bible is very clear that no adulterer will inherit the kingdom of God.
The bible tells us to delight ourselves in the Lord and he will give us the desires of our heart (Ps 37:4). While we were away from God we had all manner of ideas about marriage for some is to get as many wives as possible for others it’s not getting married but having a child out of wedlock However, when we come to God we have to let go of those ideas and let God give us new desires that are inline with his will. The bible tells us that he has shown you oh man what is right, and that his laws are not burdensome but to our benefit. If we follow Gods way and learn to be content with what God says is right then we shall be at rest and enjoy the best in the land not only in this life but in the life to come.