
Patience in Suffering

James 5:7-11

Today's passage closely follows the previous passage of rich people that oppress the poor. Believers are suffering at the hands of the wicked rich. James encourages to focus their hope in the imminent return of the Lord. They are not to retaliate or try to get vengeance for themselves. When the Lord comes back, he will make all things right.

Remember when we studied Jonah? We said that the prerogative to avenge, to make things right belongs to God, never to us. And he would rather have mercy than destroy if people repent. That is why James gives stern warnings to the rich in earlier verses, perchance they will change their ways and use their wealth in the right way. Yet it is true that those who persistently do evil pile up their sins to the sky, and God will punish them, just like he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and other ancient cities that sinned persistently in spite of recieving severe warnings from the prophets of the Lord..

James urges patience in suffering, just the same way a farmer patiently waits for rain so that he can plant. The coming of the Lord and the punishment of the wicked is as certain as the spring or autum rains that signal the arrival of a new season. The rains may delay, but they will certainly come for the sutaince of life. Christians may not know when the Lord will come back, but he will come, like a thief in the night when he is least expected. Peter urges "The end of all things is near; therefore be clearminded so that you can pray" 1Pet4:7

In the verses that follow their texts, both Peter James give Christians a set of values to help them in the face suffering. These are the values that have sustained Christians throughout the centuries when they have been tested for their faith:

They are to stand firm: in the face of suffering it is easy to compromise values so that suffering can stop. We are to be faithful to the convictions of our faith no matter what. Peter says

Do not grumble: It is easy to complain in the face of suffering. Complaining creates bitterness and spreads ill feelings or negative energy among others. People that are complainign cannot be patient in suffering.

Look to the examples of others that have suffered patiently in the past and endured. This will bring encouragement. Listen to the example of others that endured in suffering—like Job.

No matter what you as a christian go through, do not loose sight of the coming of the Lord and the fact that this will bring a new season of life without any tears and pain.

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