A better Christ-like life is possible, we noted in yesterday’s reflection. How do we move from where we are to that better place? A look at today’s passage points the way:
Vs. 12: “not that I have already attained all this”. Paul knows how far he has come, but knows he also has further mileage to cover to become victorious in Christ. Most of us are great Bible readers, worshippers, ‘prayers’ and church goers, but we put little effort to getting to know ourselves. If we do not know who we are, we will not see the need for change. As a ministry assistant at the church, I have discovered that most problems are very easy to solve, and that the solutions make all the difference. Usually the problem is that I do not know that a problem exists in the first place until I pay attention to the details! Be aware of yourself, your surroundings, how you relate to people, how you relate to Christ, and then you will discover areas in which you need grow. Like Peter, be a learner; turn yourself into fertile ground for Christ to work in. In my case, I’m amazingly discovering that even spiritual answers are available to me out of all the cumulative years of walking with Christ and his people. I just need to consciously ask the right questions and pay attention for the answers.
Once you know yourself, then you know the difference you wish see in your life. This is already spelt out through the life of Christ, his faithful followers like and numerous scripture passages. Philippians 2: 15 ff says we are to be “…blameless, pure, children of God without fault in a crooked generation in which you shine like stars”
“I press on to take hold of that which Christ took hold of …” if you know the change you want, take intentional steps towards the vision of your new self. Now, the problem with our day is just the sheer number of attractions and distractions that demand attention. But just in the same way we have to be disciplined to eat healthy, sleep, exercise or make financial savings, so do we need to be disciplined in taking steps to grow to be like Christ.
Some steps are obvious: read scripture consistently, be faithful to your small group, pray regularly and so on. Some steps require that we make a sacrificial resolves like Daniel, Shadrack, Meshack and Abenego (Dan 1:8)—ditch your tv and movies, break fellowship with bad friends. Some steps may need to be more intense, like reading relevant literature in your area of growth, or seek professional counseling. I once knew a Christian who was so insecure in his relationships that he could be demanding and manipulative. Since he was a good reader, I gave him the book, “When people are big and God is small” by Edward Welch. The change in him was almost instantaneous as reading opened up the path of self understanding and maturity in Christ likeness. Whatever it takes, press on to become more Christ like.
“Join with others in following my example…” Whatever steps you take, take them in the context of relationships that model of a walking with Christ. Find people that will spur you to godliness. Hebrews says that we are surrounded by a great crowd of witnesses. Paul’s life as seen through Philippians has modeled for us how we are to grow in Christ likeness. There is consistency of his teaching, attitude, thought and action. These are are kind of people you should sorround yourself with. Significant personal and reciprocal relationships are a very powerful influence in keeping us on the track of Christ likeness. I have been blessed with a few of these throughout my Christian life.
Question to reflect on: What do you need to grow to be more like Christ? What intentional steps can you take in that direction?
Please post your reflections and comments on this passage
Vs. 12: “not that I have already attained all this”. Paul knows how far he has come, but knows he also has further mileage to cover to become victorious in Christ. Most of us are great Bible readers, worshippers, ‘prayers’ and church goers, but we put little effort to getting to know ourselves. If we do not know who we are, we will not see the need for change. As a ministry assistant at the church, I have discovered that most problems are very easy to solve, and that the solutions make all the difference. Usually the problem is that I do not know that a problem exists in the first place until I pay attention to the details! Be aware of yourself, your surroundings, how you relate to people, how you relate to Christ, and then you will discover areas in which you need grow. Like Peter, be a learner; turn yourself into fertile ground for Christ to work in. In my case, I’m amazingly discovering that even spiritual answers are available to me out of all the cumulative years of walking with Christ and his people. I just need to consciously ask the right questions and pay attention for the answers.
Once you know yourself, then you know the difference you wish see in your life. This is already spelt out through the life of Christ, his faithful followers like and numerous scripture passages. Philippians 2: 15 ff says we are to be “…blameless, pure, children of God without fault in a crooked generation in which you shine like stars”
“I press on to take hold of that which Christ took hold of …” if you know the change you want, take intentional steps towards the vision of your new self. Now, the problem with our day is just the sheer number of attractions and distractions that demand attention. But just in the same way we have to be disciplined to eat healthy, sleep, exercise or make financial savings, so do we need to be disciplined in taking steps to grow to be like Christ.
Some steps are obvious: read scripture consistently, be faithful to your small group, pray regularly and so on. Some steps require that we make a sacrificial resolves like Daniel, Shadrack, Meshack and Abenego (Dan 1:8)—ditch your tv and movies, break fellowship with bad friends. Some steps may need to be more intense, like reading relevant literature in your area of growth, or seek professional counseling. I once knew a Christian who was so insecure in his relationships that he could be demanding and manipulative. Since he was a good reader, I gave him the book, “When people are big and God is small” by Edward Welch. The change in him was almost instantaneous as reading opened up the path of self understanding and maturity in Christ likeness. Whatever it takes, press on to become more Christ like.
“Join with others in following my example…” Whatever steps you take, take them in the context of relationships that model of a walking with Christ. Find people that will spur you to godliness. Hebrews says that we are surrounded by a great crowd of witnesses. Paul’s life as seen through Philippians has modeled for us how we are to grow in Christ likeness. There is consistency of his teaching, attitude, thought and action. These are are kind of people you should sorround yourself with. Significant personal and reciprocal relationships are a very powerful influence in keeping us on the track of Christ likeness. I have been blessed with a few of these throughout my Christian life.
Question to reflect on: What do you need to grow to be more like Christ? What intentional steps can you take in that direction?
Please post your reflections and comments on this passage
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