One of the most popular verses in the New Testament is Philippians 4: 4 “rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again, rejoice”. I’m not sure we understand the meaning when we charge up each other with this verse, especially when we say it to a discouraged person. Certainly it can apply in many situations but I want to suggest to you this verse and the other four that follow it are nearly a summary of all that Paul has been teaching and demonstrating in Philippians. And the lesson is this: being joyful comes from the depths of a Christ like character.
In the previous devotionals, we have been talking about growing to be like Christ. One spiritual teacher highlights characteristics of Christ like people. Let me merge his categories with this passage plus some previous verses to show you what Christ like people are like:
Behavior: Christ like people have trained their bodies (they work out their salvation, 2vs 12) to do good and to be repulsed by evil. So they are not constantly trapped by their tongues, hands, mouth, ears, and eyes. Their senses are automatically inclined towards good. Everyone will notice as in chapter 4 vs 5, their “gentleness”, and they are “Children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation in which they shine like stars” (Chapter 2: 15)
Attitude and feelings: They are trusting of their Father in heaven who can provide everything they need (Matthew 6: 25-34). If something is amiss, they pray and trust. As such they are “not anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, make your request to God”. Their feelings do not control them. They subject their feelings to Christ.
Thought life: God and all that pleases him is never out of their minds. They think about him all the time. “Whatever is true, noble, right, trustworthy….think about such things...” they are optimistic, not as a result of a pep talk or a feel good movie or chit chat with friends but because they have trained their thoughts, bodies, everything to focus on what is godly. The result is that Christ like people are content people, for the peace of God guards their hearts and minds (Vs. 9) as God keeps them fulfilled.
Will: Christ like people are devoted to doing what is right. They “do nothing out of selfish ambition, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others…” Chapter 2: 3. And because their will is inclined to what is good, negative emotions and judgmental attitudes will be rare. Their primary feelings are love and compassion over others in any given situation.
Let me reiterate this: rejoicing is not merely a willed response in a moment of negative emotions. True joy wells out us naturally when we have trained ourselves to be Christ like and it flows out into a stream of praise to God, rejoicing.
For your consideration today: think about your attitude, behavior, thought life, your will and feelings in light of the parameters of today’s discussion and honestly answer the question, how much are you really like Christ?
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