Today’s passage is a large section. My division this way is intentional. You will notice I have then subdivided the passage for the next three days study (Vs 27-30, 2:1-11, 12-18)), but even today the large section is entitled to a whole day of reflection. That is because I want to teach you a skill. Every time we come to a larger division, I will teach you one more skill that will help you get the most out of the Bible.
Instructions: Read the whole passage, getting a general impression of it all, without trying to understand every detail. Then respond to the following questions:
- Read 1: 27: Paul says, “Whatever happens…” what is Paul expecting to happen? Refer back to the passage we looked at yesterday, 1:19-26.
- Look at 2:1-4: What is the one thing that Paul desperately hopes the Philippians will do in these verses? What are the lesser expressions of this one thing?
- Vs 12-18: In what ways are the Philippians to work out their salvation with fear and trembling?
Observation is simply looking at what is there. Read or listen in just as you would listen to a reporter tell the details of an accident. Sometimes you have to refer back to earlier verses or chapters. Sometimes you need to know the wider context of the whole book. But it is simply dealing with facts and details as they are stated in the text. It is the first step to understanding the bible. It is really simple, but sometimes we overlook it in our haste to find out what God's word for us for the day.
In most books of the bible, observation is also a key to understanding the circumstances of the author, his audience even his message. You do not need to read extra biblical sources to understand such books. For example the first three gospel and Acts are self-telling stories. Every time you read a book of the Bible, remember it was first written to a live audience that lived in real time and space, just like Newspaper reporters write their articles for real people that live within the same world as reporters. We shall discuss more about this later.
2Kings 2:23-25 observation: For one, to be called a baldhead in those days was a despiteful thing. Also, it seems that in those days, youths of Bethel could make fun of strangers as they passed by, for no reason. this may depict an unruly nature among these youth.
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*Weiss 前世今生來生緣
* 於 March 12, 2009 02:46 AM 回應
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2009年3月11日 下午 12:04